Managing ADHD with Expert Care
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can significantly impact daily life, making it challenging to focus, stay organized, and complete essential tasks. If you’ve been experiencing some of these symptoms for six months or longer, it may be time to seek professional support

Dr. Ifeoma Ude-Okoro
mental health specialist
20 Years Experience
Inattention Symptoms:
- Frequently overlooks details or makes careless mistakes in tasks at work, school, or home
- Struggles to maintain attention on tasks or play activities
- Appears not to listen when spoken to directly
- Has difficulty following instructions and often leaves tasks incomplete
- Struggles with organizing tasks and activities effectively
- Avoids or dislikes tasks requiring sustained mental effort, such as homework or detailed projects
- Regularly misplaces items necessary for daily tasks, such as keys, books, or tools
- Easily distracted by external stimuli
- Often forgetful in daily routines
Book an Appointment Today and let us help you navigate these challenges with proven strategies and personalized care.
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